The DARAQ Code of Conduct is intended to establish a disciplined and purposeful environment to facilitate effective teaching and learning at the School. Nothing shall exempt a learner from complying with School rules. Ignorance of School rules is, therefore, not an acceptable excuse.
- Learners are expected at all times to behave in a courteous and considerate manner towards each other, the committee members, all members of staff and visitors to the School.
- Learners are expected to abide by School rules with regard to appearance and behaviour when representing DARAQ both during School hours and after School hours, at School and away from School. Learners may not say or do anything that will discredit themselves or the School.
- No learner has the right at any time to behave in a manner that will disrupt the learning activity of other learners, or will cause another learner physical or emotional harm. The principal or her designee will contact parents/guardians when a learner’s behaviour becomes a cause of concern and will endeavour, in a spirit of constructive partnership, to resolve the problem.
- All learners are to arrive at School before the official starting time. Learners who are late for School will be marked absent as registers are completed at the beginning of each School day. Absence or leaving early without the permission of the relevant teacher is prohibited. No learner may leave the School during School hours without a letter of request.
- Any absence from a formal examination, test or task must be supported by a letter from a medical doctor. All learners will attend assembly for the full duration thereof.
- Learners are expected to appear neat and tidy at all times. Fingernails must be kept trimmed short and clean at all times.
- Computer games, iPods or similar electronic devices, jewellery, accessories, make-up, coloured contact lenses or tattoos are not allowed. DARAQ will not be held responsible for theft of or damage to personal belongings on School premises (e.g. money, cell phones, bags, books and clothing). Cell phones may not be switched on during a normal School day.
- If a parent requests a learner to pay School fees on his/her behalf, such School fees should be paid before the start of the School day.
- All litter must be placed in refuse bins or wastepaper baskets. 3. Wilful damaging, vandalising or neglect of School property and the property of others, either by writing or by a physical act, is prohibited. Theft of School and private property is also prohibited.